(when I go NBK, and people say things like, "oh it was so tragic," or "oh he is crazy!" or "It was bloody!" I think, so the fuck what. You) think that's a bad thing? just because your mommy and daddy told you blood and violence is bad, you think its a fucking law of nature? Wrong, only science and math are true, everything, and I mean everyfuckingthing else is man made. My doctor wants to put me on medication to stop thinking about so many things and to stop getting angry. Well, I think that anyone doesn't think like me is just bullshitting themselves. Try it sometime if you think you are worthy, which you probly will you little shits, drop all your beliefs and views and ideas that have been burned into your head and try to think about why your here. But I bet most of you fuckers cant even think that deep, so that is why you must die. How dare you think that I and you are part of the same species when we are sooooooo different. You aren't human, you are a Robot. You don't take advantage of your capabilities given to you at birth. You just drop them and hop onto the boat and head down the stream of life with all the other fuckers of your type. Well god damit I won't be a part of it! I have thought to much, realized to much, found out to much, and I am to self aware to just stop what I am thinking and go back to society because what I do and think isnt "right" or "morally accepted" NO, NO, NO GOD FUCKING DAMIT NO! I will sooner die than betray my own thoughts. But before I leave this worthless place, I will kill who ever I deem unfit for anything at all. Especially life. And if you pissed me off in the past, you will die if I see you. Because you might be able to piss off others and have it eventually all blow over, but not me. I dont forget people who wronged me. Like [Censored by J.C. Sheriff Office] he will never get a chance to read this because he will be dead by me before this is discovered -- 4/21/98

The human race sucks. Human nature is smothered out by society, jobs, and work and school. Instincts are deleted by laws. I see people say things that contradict themselves, or people that don't take any advantage of the gift of human life. They waste their minds on memorizing the stats of every college basketball player or how many words should be an a report when they should be using their brain on

Eric discusses the idea that everything in the universe is man made, or a reflection of man's thoughts, besides scientific and mathematical truths. He uses this basis to challenge the reader to evaluate the traditional thoughts and knowledge which govern our society. He mentions his doctors attempt to use pharmaceuticals to influence his thought processes. It is very clear here that Erics writings are not just introspective diary entries. He is writing specifically for an audience that he knows will one day be reading his journals. He alludes to this earlier on this page and then comes right out and says that an individual, who is pretty easy to guess, will not be able to read these writings because he will be dead before they are discovered and disseminated. A year before his attack on Columbine he already has a clear idea that his actions will bring a degree of recognition to his writings. "I will sooner die than betray my own thoughts" seems like a very apt statement for Eric and his life. Someone must have recited some NCAA basketball statistics to Eric because he points that out as a specific waste of human ability. We can see Erics certainty in his correctness and his violent and extreme measures which he believes are appropriate when dealing with others, specifically those he dislikes.