17 Killed - I think this refers to the initial number of deaths that was reported by the police. The "official" number changed a few times and some people have said it was because they were covering up other casualties but I don't understand why they would. 

Final Exam - This is in reference to a novel that was released in 1990. It was written by author A. Bates. The A stands for Auline but sometimes gets confused as Arline. She currently is semi retired and lives in Colorado. The book is a horror/suspense novel designed for 6-8th graders that follows a student named Kelly. The primary reason that this book is on the Columbine Iceberg is that the cover art features a high school that clearly says "Columbine High" and the plot of the books involves death. Many conspiracies here. Some have posited that the Arlene on Erics shotgun and the authors first name were somehow connected. Or that the attack was originally planned (by some large ominous group) for 1990 and not 1999. I do own an original copy of this book and its really not that bad. A good throwback to this style of books from the middle school days. That being said, I do not think there is anything deeper than a coincidence here.... it's weird... but that's it..........I think. 

Christian Martyrdom - Ok I am going to start this by rewriting a previous section on "do you believe in God" to make sure everyone has the backstory. - 

""Do you believe in God" - This references an interaction in the library between Valeen Schnurr and Dylan where Schnurr (already shot and injured) was approached by Dyland and she repeatedly said "O my God please don't let me die". Dylan responded by asking her if she believed in God. She initially responded with "no" before saying "yes". Dylan then asked "why" and she said that her parents taught her and she believes. She then crawled back under a table in a lying position. During this exchange Dylan was "reloading" his weapon... although that cannot be confirmed and the only thing that can be said with certainty is that he was doing something with the slide. Dylan then moved away and didn't interact with her again while she played dead under the table. It is not known why Dylan moved away or didn't shoot Schnurr again. He was having an actual conversation with her and even got an answer that he probably didn't want. I guess its possible he was focusing on his weapon or it had jammed and he was clearing it or maybe he just lost interest and was looking somewhere else. Eventually Schnurr saw two sets of feet leaving the library and attempted to wake Lauren Townsend who was laying next to her. Lauren was already dead and wasn't responding as Schnurr saw people whispering and moving towards the exit near the computer tables. She also stood up and left the library and remembers that the library was hazy with smoke and the alarm continued to sound. Now this whole interaction spawned a bunch of crazy things. Firstly, many people mistakenly attributed the story to Cassie Bernall, another student who was killed by Eric. Her only interaction with him was Eric banging his hand on the top of the table twice and saying "peek-a-boo" before shooting Cassie in the head. Schnurr actually heard this and said so in her testimonial. This was actually the shot that most likely broke Eric's nose as well. This misattribution led to a wide held belief that Bernall was the one who was asked if she believed in God and many Christians and churches held her up as a martyr. Her mother, Misty Bernall, authored a book called "She Said Yes" that propagated the false story and it became very successful. The whole thing made for  a nice story and people are always looking for that uplifting positive story amid a crisis. I'm sure that Bernall's parents desire to have her story be as big or well known as others also played a role. I think it also was convenient because it allowed people to see Eric and Dylan as godless evil figures when the reality was far more complicated than that. Another interesting note is that Schnurs voice can be heard on the library 911 call." - 

Now with that all in mind, this iceberg entry is about the push for the false story. I think many people are to blame for the false narrative surrounding Christian mytradom at Columbine. The first are the media. They knew people would be looking for a story like this amongst all the tragedy and as soon as they heard it they ran with it. The actual truth of the matter didn't really concern them, only the views and clicks that it could generate. The second people to blame are the parents of Cassie Bernall. Now I am not laying this at their feet. I understand that their daughter was killed and they want to believe that it wasn't just pointless and that it had greater meaning, but they have pushed the falsehoods even after the truth has become widely known. Some people have even suggested that some vague "Christian-Industrial Complex" somehow encouraged Columbine to happen so that they could manufacture this martyrdom so they could increase church attendance and therefore increase donations/profits. I do not believe in this, but I do believe that there were those in faith communities which co-opted this story in order to further their own goals. 

TEC-9 No Magazine - Round Chambered - Some have said that Dylan's TEC-DC9 was found with no magazine in it and a round chambered. This most likely comes from the comment written when the gun was taken in that "No magazine in pistol when recd". I think many people assumed that the magazine was not in the gun when the police first came through the library and discovered the bodies. I am not so sure this is the case. The description from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation describes the gun as "loaded mag, 1 in chamber”. Also from the 11k it is described as "#903 Intra-tec 9mm model TEC-DC9, semiautomatic pistol, S/N D076305, one round in chamber, live rounds in magazine." Now neither of these necessarily explicitly say that the magazine was in the gun when it was found but I think the lack of mentions that it wasn't means we can assume the gun and magazine were together. When this is taken with the internal blood from the barrel of the gun, it's pretty clear that the gun was directly next to Dylan's head when it was fired. Another reason I believe that the magazine was in the gun when it was found is the evidence listing on pg. 11292 of the 11k and can be seen HERE. The location for the DC9 magazine is listed as Gun 903, which is the DC9. It was found by Tom Acierno even though the gun was found by Jim Jennings. Taking in all of the evidence I do think that a loaded 30 round magazine was found inserted in the DC9 under Dylan's body. The fact that there was a live round chambered in the gun when found is not surprising to me. The only way there wouldn't be is if there was no magazine attached or it jammed. I guess you could put a single round into the chamber after firing without a mag but I don't know why someone would kill Dylan with his own gun, take out the magazine and then load a single round into the chamber and then place it beneath Dylan's body. Erics weapons were found as such: his pump action shotgun had one spent round in the chamber and one live round in the tube. His 995 is described as "empty" I would imagine he emptied the current magazine firing out the window at police and didn't see a reason to reload. Dylan's shotgun is described as being found with two spent shells in it and the break action open. I do not think that the orientation/find condition of Dylan's DEC-TEC9 provides any compelling evidence that he did not shoot himself. That being said, without better crime scene photos there is no way to undeniably prove how the magazine was found. 

The Columbine Effect - Ooo boy. This one has a lot of information to cover. The Columbine Effect is typically considered to be the legacy and continuing impact of the events of 4.20.99 at Columbine High School. Probably the primary "effect" that Eric and Dylan's actions had/has is inspiring copycats who commit attacks similar to or motivated by the original Columbine attack. This started as early as 8 days after 4.20.99 with 14 year old Todd Cameron Smith who committed an attack on W. R. Myers High School in Canada. His parents said that he changed after seeing the coverage of Columbine the week before. Since then there have been many mass shootings where the perpetrators have been inspired by the actions of Eric and Dylan. A non-exhaustive list can be found HERE. I do have to say that I think that the amount of people who study/are interested in Eric (and Dylan) or Columbine in general that then commit acts of violence is very very low. It comes with the territory that their actions would be inspirational (used very loosely) to some. Especially those who are somewhat outside of the mainstream of the sub society they exist in, especially schools. The Columbine Effect is so much more than copycat killings. They are a small, negative effect of what happened at CHS on 4.20.99. There are many positives that have come out of it as well. Many people have read and studied Erics writings and philosophy and have used it to make their own lives better (HERE). Then there is the whole idea of institutional or societal changes that have occured because of Columbine. School districts have instituted new policies when it comes to bullying and violence. Police tactics have evolved as well. There is just something about Eric (and sometimes Dylan) that draws the interest of everyday people. There are a ton of great discussions about the Columbine Effect online and I encourage everyone to do more research on it. One might even say that the very existence of this website is part of the Columbine Effect. You might even be able to go as far as saying that this exact moment in your life... reading this page.... is an effect.... of a long unbroken chain of events leading back to Eric and Dylan on 4.20.99.

Dylan at Prom Footage - I am not exactly sure what this is in reference to. Eric did not go to the prom, only the afterparty. Dylan attended prom with Robyn Anderson and there are some photos of him from that night. He did have a disposable camera so those pictures probably still exist in Sue Klebold's basement somewhere. As far as I know there has not been any verified video footage from the prom that include Dylan. Bill Ockham did share a video that purported to have a few seconds of footage of Dylan at or before prom. He has since deleted the video and everything Ockham does should be assume a lie until proven otherwise. This picture did arise from that video. I guess it's possible but it just looks like a very similar picture to this known photo. Perhaps just a still image taken immediately after? I'm sure that there is video footage from the 1999 Columbine Senior Prom that exists out there and Dylan is probably visible in some of it. It has always been so interesting to me that Dylan went to prom (and Eric the party) just a few days before their attack. They knew exactly what was coming yet they were just living their lives as normal. 

Victims Photo Leaks - There was a reported leak of photos in 2002 that included bodies of the victims. There are some shots available online if you look hard enough but I am unsure if they actually came from this leak or not. I can imagine how disheartened the victims families were. You never want your deceased loved ones images to become part of a media circus. I'm not 100% sure what this is referencing specifically. Daniel Rohrburghs body can be seen HERE. Rachel Scott's body was seen HERE as students ran past. It was also seen HERE as police tried to move it to a safer location. A crime scene photo (poor quality) HERE shows her body after being moved. Rohrburgh and Scott were killed outside which is why we have more available footage of them. There are funeral pictures from many others and a variety of other gifs and photos floating around the internet. Even if we ever get a more full evidence or photograph release in the future, most/all pictures of the victims will be redacted. 

Dylan Self Harm - Dylan definitely self harmed on at least one occasion... or at least he said he did. In his journal he says “I was Mr. Cutter tonight – I have 11 depressioners on my right hand now, & my favorite contrasting symbol, because it is so true & means so much.” We can assume that he had cut himself that night and his mom, Sue Klebold, has since talked about learning that he was cutting himself via his journals. Dylan's autopsy report says that "The forearms are unremarkable. The antecubital fossae reveal no evidence of recent needle puncture marks or scars. The upper arms are intact and unremarkable grossly". Wo what i would take away from that is that there was no signs Dylan was cutting recently before 4.20.99. There were some other minor abrasions and bruising and stuff but its was probably just normal wear and tear. I do think Dylan was self harming in other ways, probably his drinking. Also, they were planning a massacre where he would end up dead so that is kind of a form of self harm I guess. 

Robert Craig - Robert Craig was a friend of Erics back in 1997. Craig committed a murder suicide in 1997 when he killed his step father and himself. Craig was a senior that year while Eric was a sophomore. Craig used a .22 pistol owned by his mother to kill his stepfather with a single shot to the head and then killed himself with a shot through the roof of the mouth. He seems to have been a decent kid with a 3.8 gpa and a part time job at the local sub shop. I guess the conspiracy here is that the events surrounding Craig somehow influenced Eric or Dylan in turning down a path that ended on 4.20.99. I just don't know with this one. How well did Eric know Craig? He certainly never mentions him in any of his writings. 

I AM POEM - This is in reference to a poem written by Eric on 10.30.95. It can be seen HERE. I really love this poem. As I read it I feel like Eric is speaking through it. My favorite line is: "I dream that I am the only person on Earth". Eric's fathers love of flying comes through with multiple lines about flight. The line about hating when people open their pop cans just a little has always confused me though. Does he mean that eh hates it, just a little, whenever someone opens a pop can.... or that he hates it when someone doesn't fully open their pop can and opens it just a little. I guess in the grand scheme of things its pretty unimportant lol. It seems that Eric used a template, probably provided by the teacher, similar to THIS ONE. As far as I can tell there isn't really any conspiracy theory surrounding this poem. I think it just provides a glimpse into Eric's mindset 3 years and 5 months before 4.20.99. I also sometimes dream I am the only person on Earth. 

Columbinus - Columbinus is a play that premiered in 2005 and was performed off broadway in 2006. It "includes excerpts from discussions with parents, survivors and community leaders in Littleton as well as diaries and home video footage to reveal what it refers to as "the dark recesses of American adolescence"". It was created by Stephen Karam and PJ Paparelli as part of the United States Theatre Project. In the first act we see two characters who are slowly pushed towards violence by their classmates. In the second act they metaphorically "become" Eric and Dylan by donning the clothing that has become synonymous with them. In the third act the other cast members, survivors and townsfolk, reflect upon what has happened. It even includes allusions to governmental cover ups and stonewalling. There are a few clips on Youtube. I have never seen the entire thing and as far as I can tell there is no recordings available of the original. The cast of characters are all exaggerations and stereotypes of American high school tropes and are even named as such ie Loaner, Prep, Jock, Freak. In some ways I am glad to see Columbine getting some recognition in a different type of forum..... in other ways I think the play is stupid and massively misrepresents the events surrounding the actual Columbine. I understand that it is an artistic dramatization that is just loosely base don Columbine but I still would've liked a bit more substance. 

Splatter Punks - The "Splatter Punks" were a group of three youths who were arrested on 4.20.99 around Columbine High School soemtime near 2pm. The photo can be seen HERE. The authorities initially thought they may have been involved in the events that day but they were later cleared. The boys were Matthew Nalty (sometimes Christianson), Matthew Akard, and Jim Brunetti. All three attended nearby Pomona High School but Nalty used to live in Littleton and may have even attended CHS for a short time. They claim to have been driving around together on the morning of 4.20.99 and overheard radio chatter about something happening at Columbine High and drove over there. They were already in Clement Park around noon that day when they were found and questioned by officer Cork Chicota. He says that they mentioned they were there to help their friends at CHS but over the course of the conversation he realized they were referring to the attackers. Later the three boys would claim to have never said anything like that and to never have known Eric or Dylan. It has been widely claimed that they were "associates" or friends of Eric and I suppose that is possible. Especially with Eric's heavy use of the internet it is reasonable that he may have gotten connected with likeminded people, especially local ones. To be clear, I have never seen any actual real proof that they had any knowledge of Eric prior to 4.20.99. There was a false bomb threat at Pomona High School on 4.28.99 and two of the three Splatter Punks were arrested with explosives. Matt Akard was specifically noted as saying he wanted to blow up his high school and having been involved in making pipe bombs. Some people have said that they were at the scene far too early and could not have heard radio chatter because it hadn't happened yet. I have also never seen any evidence of this... and they claim to have just been nearby anyway. A whole bunch more interesting information can be found HERE. If I had to go with my gut I would say that these three were not involved in the events at CHS on 4.20.99 in any meaningful way. I think that there is a small chance that perhaps one of them had foreknowledge of the attack, given to him from Eric and probably online), and they were just in the area to see if anything really happened. I do not think, and cannot find any true evidence to support, that they were active participants or were additional shooters. I do wish we had more information about them though. 

BuyDylanKleboldsBMW.com - Dylans car was a 1982 BMW 320i. It was a coupe and had a hard top. On 4.20.99 he parked it in the parking lot at Columbine High School and it was soon after taken into the custody of the police. Once the police had finished with it in August of 2000, they returned it to the Klebold family who stored it for five years. In August of 2005 they donated the car to a charity (maybe Vehicles for Charity) who in turn auctioned the car to a private buyer. In March of 2006 that private party attempted to sell the car on eBay but the company pulled the listing, although I don't understand why. The seller then turned to the open internet and created BuyDylanKleboldsBMW.com in an attempt to find a buyer. Someone, possibly wurmholesshadow on reddit, bought it in 2006 with the intention of using it in a movie about the events at Columbine. Rumor has it the car was in an accident and totaled sometime before 2009 when the owner passed away. It's unknown if it remained in the family of that person or if it was destroyed. Someone said they got a VIN ping on it being in Iowa a few years back but I never actually saw any evidence of that. I wish I knew what became of Erics Honda Prelude. That would be like the ultimate piece of Eric memorabilia. 

Police Rape Theory - There is a theory that during their arrest for the van incident on the night of January 30, 1998, that Sheriff's Deputy Tim Walsh raped Eric and Dylan. This came about well after 1999, seemingly first in the middle 2010s, as a result of interpretations of some specific evidence, although i did see one claim that it was mentioned as early as 2002. Firstly there was a file on a researchers computer that was just made as part of research but was kept in the same place as police reports. Other saw it and believed it came from the police when in fact, it was just a list of notes from a random person. The edited document can be seen HERE. Supposedly if you remove a bunch of stuff from Eric's drawing it looks like a vague representation of a man with a badge raping someone? I don't really see it and it requires a ton of deleting things that Eric did actually draw. Also, Dept. Walsh wasn't even at the site of the van break in, which is what the picture is of, as he confronted Eric and Dylan almost 2 miles away at Deer Creek Canyon Park. Also there is a line of text from Dylan's accounting of that night where he says that the police "got all that we had" and some people have twisted this into him somehow subtly saying they were raped. In my opinion he was clearly referencing the stolen items they had. The last piece of "evidence" is a line from Eric's inscription on Dylans 1998 yearbook which says "My wrath for January's incident will be godlike." Some say he is referring specifically to being raped by the police. I don't see how anyone can draw this conclusion. It makes far more sense that he is referencing the arrest itself, and everything that followed, or some other happening in school from January. So all that being said, I do not think there is any actual proof of this theory and I do not believe it ever happened. If something even close to this had happened, Eric would have mentioned it somewhere, to another friend, his parents, or at least in his journals. I see the rise of this theory as a coping technique by some people. It is difficult for some to rationalize the events on 4.20.99 and it is easier to create a fake traumatic event that drove Eric to his actions rather than actually understand what happened. There is an excellent breakdown HERE

Jaguars WTF guy - The famous meme where a Jags fan can't even comprehend how bad his team is can be seen HERE. There is a theory that he grew up in Littleton Colorado and that he was a member of the class of 1999 at Columbine High School. The only real "evidence" that anyone has presented is that there is someone who resembles him in the 1999 Columbine class photo. The entire photo (with Eric in the top left) can be seen HERE. The Jags guy is supposedly in the middle with his (to steal a phrase from someone who stole it from somewhere else) "trademark befuddled look".  A zoom in can be seen HERE. As far as I can tell nobody has ever been able to determine his name. There are many people out there who say this theory is just made up and BS. I have never seen any hard evidence either way. 

Audio Leaks - There have been a variety of audio leaks relating to the columbine case. The most important one, in my opinion, is a small section of the basement tapes. It is only a few moments long and doesn't contain very much information about anything. It can be heard HERE. It was secretly recorded by Rachel Scott;s father who thought it had something to do with his daughter. It is terrible quality because it's a shitty recording of an already low quality playback. It is from basement tape #200 and was filmed in Eric's basement on March 15th 1999. Eric and Dylan discuss some girls at their school and talk about how self absorbed and petty they are. They comment on their fake sense of religion and then make some crude remarks about Christians and Jesus. Another audio leak from the case is that of the 911 call from the library. This can be heard HERE. You can hear most things going on in the library but it is difficult to make out exactly what Eric and Dylan are saying. I think that there is a longer version of the library 911 call that covers the entire afternoon that exists out there somewhere. There probably are some other audio leaks but these are the two main ones. 

Ballistics Report - In late 2000 the ballistics report for the events of 4.20.99 were released to families of certain victims and also to the families of Eric and Dylan. Certain families thought it could provide some evidence of wrongdoing by the authorities that day. Specifically, I believe, The family of Daniel Rohrbough thought that he was actually killed by a police officer instead of Eric. Randy Brown leaked the majority of the report as soon as he got it and Bill Ockham filled in the gaps a few years after. The entire report can be seen HERE. Its through a different site but they lay it out so well that I don't think I am going to create one for myself. The report itself contains a wealth of information such as DNA/Serology reports, computer information, fingerprint information, autopsies, crime scene reports for all 5 teams, FBI/ATF findings, and firearms reports. On the surface the entire ballistics report, which totals over 2700 pages, is consistent with itself and other evidence. Of course there is no way for anybody to independently determine its veracity. When it comes to the actual ballistics analysis they determined that Eric fired 121 total shots, 96 from his HiPoint 995 and 25 from his Springfield 67H. Dylan fired 55 rounds from his Intratec TEC-DC9 and 12 from his Savage 311-D for a total of 67. That would make a total of 188 confirmed shots from Eric and Dylan. The count of police fired shots is less specific. The official number is 141 shots, most of those being found in the East-West hallway and the school library. While Jeff Co says that most of the shots were during exchanges with the shooters, some evidence shows that many of the police rounds were fired well after Eric and Dylan had died. Also less than 100 of the polices official shots were ever recovered or logged. Denver SWAT fired into the hallway around 12:45p to cover other officers who were advancing to check on bodies outside the school. Multiple members of that team said they heard return gunfire and saw muzzle flashes from the school. One even said he saw a suspect throw an explosive in their direction. This was obviously well after the last shot that could be attributed to Eric or Dylan was heard or seen and probably 30ish minutes after they were dead. ANother note is that two of Sergeant Dan O'Shea's (the guy who said he saw a shooter throw a pipe bomb) shots ended up at the other end of the hallway near where a different SWAt team was moving room to room. It is possible that at one point police were firing at each other, or at least mistaking police actions for Eric and Dylan actions. One police bullet was found down a different hallway near the library entrance, supposedly away from where any shots were taken by officers. I suppose if could have made some crazy ricochet and ended up there but there is also the chance that the police were firing into the north/south hallways of the building. Police fired blindly into the library and nearby rooms even as two survivors, Patrick Ireland and Lisa Kreutz, lay wounded there. One of their bullets was found logged in the computer desk where Kyle Velasquez was laying. A bullet fragment was also found lying directly on top of Steven Curnow's body in the library. We know that Curnow was killed by Eric with his shotgun but the bullet found on his body didn't match any weapon used by Eric or Dylan and was most likely a .223 fired by a police officer. Another oddity in the ballistic report is in relation to the school resource officer Neil Gardners gun. Bullets from both the library and the cafeteria were determined to have come from his sidearm. The bullets were deformed but the rifling pattern eliminated all other officers weapons as possibilities, and because it was .45 it couldn't have been from Eric or Dylan. Now, initially Jeff Co said that Gardner did not fire into either of those places and his personal testimony backs that up. Years later Jeff Co did come out and say that Gardner did fire into the library but offered no explanation of his bullet in the commons. Lastly, there were a few areas of the school where multiple officers sworn testimony says they were firing into, in which no bullets or fragments or damage were ever found, such as the teachers lounge. The Denver Police Department Firearms Discharge Review Board concluded that all officers discharged their weapons on 4.20.99 within the bounds of policy and procedure. I am not so sure about that. 

Post Suicides - I'm pretty sure this is about people involved with Columbine in some way who survived 4.20.99 who later killed themselves after 4.20.99. I think there are probably a bunch that we do not know about but there are some that we do know about. Greg Barnes hung himself in his garage two weeks after the one year anniversary of 4.20.99. He was in the science wing on the day of the attack and witnessed Dave Sanders get shot. He also was in creative writing class with both Eric and Dylan. When they found him he had a CD player playing the song Adams Song by Blink 182 on repeat. Austin Eubanks killed himself on May 18th 2019 by overdosing on heroin. Eubanks was in the library on 4.20.99 and was under a table with Corey Depooter. Eric shot under the table and hit Eubanks in his hand and knee. Eric then turned slightly and killed Depooter. Eubanks struggled with addiction and self harm after surviving the attack. Joe Stair, who can be seen in a video HERE, was a member of the trench coat mafia and took his own life in 2007. The mother of Anne Marie Hochhalter, Carla Hochhalter, killed herself 6 months after 4.20.99. Her daughter was paralyzed in the shooting while eating outside the commons. She was hit twice by Eric as he fired down the staircase. The odd part of Carla Hochhalter's suicide was that she walked into a pawn shop and then just shot herself in the head. There have been other reports of SWAT members killing themselves later in life but I couldn't find anything substantive. And this isn't even taking into account the amount of people who are just interested in the case who have killed themselves, whether it had anything to do with 4.20.99 or not. This segways perfectly into the next entry.....

Sol Pais - Sol Pais was a girl from Florida who was an Eric Harris superfan. She ended up killing herself not far from Columbine High School on April 16th 2019. She was missing for a week or two before that and people were worried that she was going to Colorado to follow in Eric's footsteps and some local schools were closed because of it.  Her journal is available to be read HERE. She was clearly obsessed with Eric and took it to its extreme conclusion, going to Littleton to be closer to where he was and died the same way Eric did, self inflicted gun shot wound. Most people talk about her as being mentally ill or an extremist, but I have a lot of sympathy for her. You reading this might say "of course you do... you made this website... you are also obsessed with Eric." However, I think it is quite different. Sol Pais thought of herself as Eric's soulmate and as someone she needed to be with. I am not that person. Sol believed that she needed to die to be with Eric. Anybody who thinks that way needs to seriously reconsider. Eric wouldn't want that. He would want you to live your life the best way you can. See HERE. Sol was misguided in some ways but I think that she encapsulates the pull that Eric and the events of 4.20.99 still have on people to this day. It is somewhat fitting that her autopsy was done by the same doctor who did Eric's autopsy so many years earlier. 

Bomb Planting was caught on CCTV - Eric and Dylan's initial plan was to plant the bombs at 11:09, set to go off at 11:17. While it isn't completely confirmed. CCTV cameras in the cafeteria likely captured images of Eric and Dylan entering the school and leaving behind the bags with the bombs in them. Eric is seen at 10:58 and 20 seconds walking through the cafeteria with a backpack and a duffle bag and then walking out of the cafeteria without the bags at 10:59 and 41 seconds. Dylan is seen with similar bags walking into the cafeteria at 10:59 and 52 seconds. I cannot find any footage of Dylan leaving the cafeteria. If you have it let me know. All of the footage can be seen HERE or HERE. I believe it is them planting the bombs. The way Eric walks is the same as other videos and Dylan, who is left handed, carries the duffle bag in his left hand. I can see them arriving to the school a little early and deciding to go in and plant the bombs earlier than initially planned. 

Dylan's TEC Jammed - Dylan's TEC-DC9 most certainly jammed at least once on 4.20.99. The gun, produced by Intratec, is notorious for poor performance and constant jams. One of the issues is that users will hold onto the magazine when firing causing it to feed improperly. The only physical evidence of this is one of Dylan's magazines which was found outside the school on the ground with the majority of the round still in it. I imagine Eric and Dylan firing at students and Dylans gun jamming. He probably tried to clear the action multiple times without effect and finally decided to just dump the current magazine and load a new one. Dylan was less of a weapons enthusiast than Eric and it is easy to imagine him struggling somewhat. Some have offered "jamming" as a reason for the shot discrepancy between Dylan and Eric. I also heard an interesting theory that perhaps Eric and Dylan were planning to kill themselves simultaneously but Dylan's DC9 jammed at the moment of action and Dylan watched Eric shoot himself. 

I'm Back by Eminem - "I'm Back" is a song by rapper Eminem released on May 23rd 2000. It can be listened to HERE. It is an interesting song but I don't actually like it too much to be honest. The lyrics cover some of Eminem's rise to fame and the violence of his youth. In the third verse he mentions Columbine: "I take seven kids from Columbine, stand 'em all in line, add an AK-47, a revolver, a 9 , a MAC-11 and it oughta solve the problem of mine and that's a whole school of bullies shot up all at one time." What he is really probably trying to do is point out where he believes the blame for Columbine, and school shootings in general, lies. It is not in the musicians who the shooters listen to, but with bullies and a toxic school culture. While it definitely isn't "pro Eric and Dylan", it is a major song, a year after the shootings, that addresses the blame for the incident, without even mentioning them. Interestingly enough the song has been edited to remove the words "kids" and "Columbine" to appease the pro censorship crowd. 

Lynn Ann - Lynn Ann was/is a girl/woman known around the internet for her obsession with Eric. There is a bunch of information about her online and some of her posts are still publicly available, although much of it has been taken down either by her or the platforms. She is known to be purposefully proactive, going as far as to mock or agitate the victims and their families. I understand that the community around Columbine attracts all kinds of people and far be it from me to defame anyone's character, but I think that maybe she is slightly unhinged. 

Dustin Gorton - Dustin Gorton was a junior (or senior, I can't seem to figure out which) at Columbine High School in 1999 and was friends with Eric and Dylan as well as many other of their friend group. He was in the cafeteria when the attack started. He hid under a lunch table and eventually fled into the kitchen area and hid in a bathroom for almost 2 hours. In my opinion, his claim to fame is that he filmed/participated in the "Breakfast Run" video that was filmed one day prior to the attacks. In the video Dylan is seen in the passenger seat of Dustin's car (1972 Chevrolet Chevelle) as Dustin drives and Eric Jackson films from the back seat. The actual name of the short film is "American Dream". It is odd to see Dylan and Gorton chatting and discussing the project and grades as Dylan knows he won't be around much longer. Gorton released a few page reflection 18 years after the events at Columbine. They can be read HERE. He mentions that he was only 8 feet away from one of the propane bombs that Eric or Dylan set in the cafeteria. Interestingly if you look at the pants he was wearing the the Breakfast Run video and from shots of him the next day on 4.20.99, they appear to be the same. Gorton described that Eric was present during the filming of the Breakfast Run video and was sitting in the back seat of the car. This has never been confirmed as Eric's teacher said he believe dhe was in class at the time the video was taken. There were some initial thoughts that Gorton may have been involved in the plot in some way. I am skeptical of this mainly based on the fact that he was sitting 8 feet away from the bomb when it was supposed to go off. Another interesting note is that he was critical of the "jocks" at CHS who continued to say false and defamatory things about Eric and Dylan after 4.20.99. Judging by his comments he is referring to the rumor of them being gay together. He defends them by talking about their girlfriends and the prom pictures that he has. 

Dylan's Hard Drive - Dylan's computer had two hard drives when it was found by police on 4.20.99. It was reported that the computer had been "gutted" and that one of the hard drives had been wiped. CBI computer investigator Chuck Davis who worked on the evidence for Columbine said "I can't prove it," Davis says. "But deep down in my heart, I think it was probably nuked either the day before, or that morning." It is not known what was actually on that drive and we will probably never know. You could make some educated guesses though based on the circumstances. The next issue with this hard drive is whether it was destroyed with much of the rest of the Columbine evidence in 2011 or if it still exists. What is certain is that copies of the data from all drives recovered were made so they could be examined without damaging the originals. Jefferson County listed some of the evidence that was kept and includes "Documents Seized from Harris and Klebold Residences and Vehicles". Is a hard drive a document? no. Do I think it's possible that it got lumped in under this heading and still physically exists in a box somewhere? yes. If it does exist somewhere I believe it would be beneficial to reexamine it. Forensic data retrieval has come a long way and it may be possible to recover some information. We may be able to glean an insight into different motives or associates who possibly knew something before hand.... but there will probably just be porn. 

Guns in Schools by Eric Harris - Eric wrote a paper entitled "Guns in Schools" for his . The paper can be read HERE. In the paper he details how students bringing guns into school is a problem all across America. He discusses possible solutions to the issue and focuses on using metal detectors and having an increased police presence in schools. Most people think of the paper as ironic and some have even pointed it out as how Erics views had changed, the paper being written about a year and a half before the attacks. I just see it as another paper Eric wrote for school where he is writing what he thinks the teacher wants to hear. Yes, it may be a topic that was specifically relevant to him and his ideas, but he was clearly just manipulating the teacher. I can picture him somewhat smirking while writing this, with the ideas in his head about how to defeat any solution to the problems he puts forward. 

5 Coffins - This is in reference to a drawing by Dylan in his notebook. Dylan had an interesting relationship with the number 5 and it crops up an unusual amount of times around him. Firstly, Dylan killed five people on 4.20.99, not including himself. Most people see the 5 coffins in the drawings as some sort of premonition of the five lives he would take. Dylan also mentions the 5th dimension and specifically writes 5 days before the attack and says that "5 . . . . . . a very influential number, another brick in my journeyed wall" and " Because I can’t stay thinking in a 2nd dimension, I go to the 5th! Haha. So I wait 5 more days. 5 more days. 5 eternities." There are other 5s in Dylans life like his Boy Scout troop #55 and his baseball number #5. Maybe it was just his favorite number, but the coffins drawing is a little odd. 

Get Smart Parody - This is in reference to a video that was made by a Columbine student named Scott Fuselier when he was a senior in 1997. A video with come clips can be seen HERE. Eric and Dylan would have been in their sophomore year. The video is a parody of a play called "Get Smart" where a secret agent battles a scientist who is attempting to blow up Columbine High School. There are scenes in the video that show explosions in the school and have students wearing trench coats and carrying guns. It is somewhat eerie considering the events that would happen 2 years later. Eric and Dylan were not involved in the project in any way as far as we know. Brooks Brown and Chris Morris both worked on the video. It is unknown if Eric or Dylan ever say the video but I would assume that they did at some point considering they were both into filmmaking and video editing. It was filmed using the same equipment that more famous videos were made with such as Hitmen for Hire and some of the Basement Tapes. We know that Eric was running some of his missions around this time and he was not getting along with Brown. Perhaps the most interesting part of this whole video is that the father of Scott Fuselier is Dwayne Fuselier, an FBI psychologist and one of the lead investigators on the Columbine case. A news article from May of 1999 about it can be read HERE. Some people have said the video shows others involvement or some sort of issue with the FBI... I don't really see that. I suppose there is some sort of a chance that Eric saw the video and was inspired in some way by it but I don't really believe that either.  

Dylan played the drums - Dylan did play the drums. He seems to have quit or stopped as he got older but there is a video clip, taken by Randy Brown, of him playing when he was young. It can be seen HERE. Brooks Brown mentions in his book that he and Dylan were both into music when they were younger and they even played in a band in elementary school. There is a picture HERE of Brooks an Dylan performing in a show.  As far as I know Eric never played an instrument. 

"1 Bleeding to Death" - This is in reference to a note that was written on a white board that was held up to an exterior window at CHS on 4.20.99 in an attempt to alert police that there was a gravely injured person in the room. It can be seen HERE. The person in question was Dave Sanders, a technology teacher/coach at Columbine. He had been shot, most likely by Eric while in the hallway on the 2nd story as seen HERE. Dylan walked down to where Sanders had collapsed and then returned to the end of the hallway with Eric. Sanders was shot through his back up into his face exiting near his mouth. He crawled towards the science area with another teacher assisting him into room SCI-3 where 30 students where sheltering. Two eagle scouts Aaron Hancey and Kevin Starkey administered first aid and waited for help. at 2:15pm, well after Eric and Dylan allegedly killed themselves, fellow teacher Doug Johnson wrote on small white board "1 BLEEDING TO DEATH" and had student Deidra Kucera place it in the window as seen HERE. The sign was interpreted by police as a possible ploy by shooters to attract first responders to a specific area. SWAT did not clear SCI-3 until 2:40 when officers moved Sanders to a different room. It took many more minutes for medical personal to arrive and by that time Dave Sanders was dead. Only tangentially related to this I want to mention that many official reports have sanders being shot in the neck and the exit wound through the mouth. However the autopsy is very clear the the shot entered his back and left via his mouth. Meaning that the angle of the shot was from lower than Sanders was at. Meaning that the official story of Eric shooting down the hallway at the same height as Sanders is most likely incorrect. It's possible that Eric was still coming up the stairs when he shot Sanders. 

ADIOS - ADIOS is an album released by the band KMFDM on 4.20.99. More info on it can be found HERE. Eric was an avid fan of the group and he even mentions the upcoming album release in his journal: "heh, get this. KMFDM's new album is entitled "Adios" and it's release date is in April. how fuckin appropriate, a subliminal final "Adios" tribute to Reb and Vodka. thanks KMFDM... I ripped the hell outa the system." The song itself is pretty good even though I am not a huge fan of this type of music. Some people have postured that perhaps the release date of the album influenced the date of the attack but I don't really see that being true. The attack was scheduled for different dates finally being settled on 4.19.99 but they didn't have everything ready so it got pushed back 24 hours. In the song Rubicon, off the same album, there is a line that says "Natural Selection is based on Deception." Which is a little ironic because Eric wore the words "Natural Selection" on his shirt the same day the album released. I don't think there is anything deeper about this album, just what Eric says, its just appropriate. 

Eric's Final Date - Eric's last date was with a girl named Susan DeWitt. Eric asked her out the saturday before the attack, 4.14.99, and they spent prom night together and watched the movie Event Horizon. DeWitt was a junior in the 98/99 school year and worked at Great Clips which was near BlackJack Pizza. She spoke extensively with FBI investigators both about that night and about Eric in general. On that saturday they were at Eric's house and his parents were not there in the evening while DeWitt and Eric watched the movie and talked in the basement. DeWitt says that Mr. and Mrs. Harris returned around 10 pm and came downstairs and talked to her for a few minutes and they seemed very nice. She even says that Mr. Harris mentioned to her that he gets his hair cut at her store. After his parents went back upstairs Eric and DeWitt went back into Eric's bedroom, which was downstairs just off the room they had watched the movie in. There they listened to some music of which DeWitt could not recall exactly what it was, just only that she was not familiar with it or the type. Eventually she had to leave so she wouldn't get in trouble with her parents and she says that Eric gave her a kiss on the cheek before she left. Mr. Harris got a haircut at Great Clips on 4.18.99 and he saw DeWitt and said hello to her, she specifically mentions that he called her "Susan" and had remembered her name. The last time she saw Eric was on Monday 4.16.99 before school when she talked with him outside for a few minutes. Dylan may have also been with him for this conversation but DeWitt did not know Dylan and couldn't recognize him. DeWitt penned a letter that was published in the Denver Post a year after the attacks and make it very clear that she cared deeply about Eric. Eric seems to have treated her respectfully and had genuine feelings for her. I imagine that his date with her that Saturday was a time when he was truly happy and enjoying his life. It's interesting to see the contrast between his relationship with DeWitt and how he acted just a few days before 4.20.99.

Eric Self Harm - Some people have put forward the idea that Eric cut himself based on a line from his autopsy. It says that on Eric's upper arm there was a "small cluster of punctate lacerations and cuts". It is possible that he was harming himself and chose to make cuts on his upper arm so that it would be concealed when wearing a short sleeved shirt. I don't really buy it though. He had just went through a major trauma and the cuts could have come from anything that happened that day. Also when someone cuts themselves as part of self harming, it is usually very precise incisions, but the coroner describes them as "lacerations/cuts" which are usually more jagged and irregular. So... did Eric self harm? It's possible but I doubt it. 

Donut Video - There is a supposed video of Dylan eating a donut that exists out there somewhere. The original photo which surfaced can be seen HERE and a second photo can be seen HERE. Dylan is wearing a Reservoir Dogs "Serial Killer" t-shirt seen HERE and is eating what appears to be a donut or bagel or something like that. Because of the watermarks on the pictures people believe that the video clip was aired on both Good Morning America and ABC. I still haven't been able to track down exactly which interviews or shows this clip was supposedly shown on but some people think it was an interview with Nate Dykeman in 1999. Dykeman sold some media to ABC for $16k that possibly included this footage. I think that most likely this is some sort of ending or addendum footage from the Breakfast Run video. Dylan is wearing the same things (although he wears that stuff often) and is eating a breakfast related food. 

The Downward Spiral - This is an album that was released by the band Nine Inch Nails on 3.8.94. More info about it can be found HERE. The songs describe a depressed individual who is on a downward spiral, finally culminating with his suicide. Dylan was definitely a big fan of Nine Inch Nails and I believe that he empathized, or maybe even identified with the characters whose life is being described by the songs on the album. The band did receive some criticism because of the controversial nature of the things described. They also got some push back after 4.20.99 for their alleged influence on Columbine. This is one of the situations where I do think it influenced and affected Dylan greatly. I believe he saw himself as being on a downward spiral. As per his journal from 4.18.99: "Another form of the Downward Spiral ... deeper & deeper it goes. to cuddle w. her, to be one w. her, to love; just laying there. I need a gun. This is a weird entry ... I should feel happy, but shit brought me down." 

Brenda Parker - Brenda Parker is a woman who claimed to have been involved with Eric, even to the point that she was going to participate in the shootings. Going back to November of 2000 news articles mention that she was romantic friends with Eric and met up with him often before 4.20.99. She was pretty active online in the years after the incident and interacted regularly with the community. At one point she claimed to have a recording of a message that Eric had left on an answering machine and a picture of himself that he had given her but neither of those have ever come to light as far as I know. She supposedly visited the library in the months after 4.20.99 but I also cannot confirm this. While she did live less than an hour from Littleton around the time of the attacks, I don't really believe that she knew of Eric before 4.20.99. Some of the things she has claimed are unproven while others are lies. She may just be an attention seeker that was looking to capitalize on the events of 4.20.99 or she may have been someone who became the first fangirl for Eric. I suppose it is also possible that she actually did know Eric before 4.20.99 and simply exaggerated or misremembered somethings. 

SWAT Killed Rohrbough - There was a popular belief that victim Daniel Rohrbough was actually shot and killed by police rather than Eric. This view was pushed by Rohrboughs parents Brian A. Rohrbough and Susan E. Petron. There were a variety of inconsistencies and abnormalities in the initial Jeff Co report that led them to question the official narrative. The initial report listed Rorhrbourghs killer as Dylan. Then they heard, via a friend, that a police officer had said that he may have shot at a student that day. That officer was Sgt. Dan O'Shea. The ballistics report, released in late 2000, showed that it was not forensically possible for Rohrbough to have been shot by Sgt. O'Shea. You can read more about it higher up in Tier 4. This was coupled with the fact that the timeline does not work. Rohrbough was killed outside in the first few minutes of the attack well before O'Shea even arrived on scene. A photo of where he was killed can be seen HERE. One of the issues was that the fatal bullet path was on an upward trajectory, but that was explained away by saying that he was falling or tumbling when that shot hit him... which I suppose is plausible. The last part of the ballistics analysis was of the bullet actually found inside Rohrburghs body and it was conclusively fired from a 9mm rifle like Erics. There are a lot of news articles about this topic available online. 

jhj22 - This is a Reddit user who used AI to upscale Columbine related media in the past. He worked with Bill Ockham and others. He is still active as u/steppacrew though to my knowledge I have never directly interacted with him. I think he is from Europe. Maybe he was someone who looked up to Eric and Dylan in the past because of bullying or something. I don't really know. Just reach out to him if you have questions. I am unsure why this is on Tier 4. 

Eric NYC Plane Hijack - This is in reference to a passage from Eric's journal: "If by some wierd as s--t luck my and V survive and escape we will move to some island somewhere or maybe mexico, new zelend or some exotic place where americans cant get us. if there isnt such a place, then we will hijack a hell of a lot of bombs and crash a plane into NYC with us inside iring away as we go down." Eric is just fantasizing here and I do not believe he had any real conceptions of any of the things he mentions, specifically hijacking a plane and crashing it into a building in NYC. Eric always knew that it ended for him on 4.20.99 at Columbine High School. Some people have claimed that Eric was predicting the 9/11 attacks but I think he was just thinking about ways to cause the most damage.

Austin Eubanks - Austin Eubanks was a student at Columbine High School who was in the library on 4.20.99. He survived but died of a heroin overdose in 2019. On 4.20.99 he was in the library with his best friend Corey Depooter. When Eric and Dylan enter the library at 11:29am Eubanks and Depooter hide under table #14 with two other girls. At 11:35, just before the leave the library, Eric and Dylan walk past table 14 and both fire their weapons at the students under the table killing Depooter and one of the girls. Eubanks was also injured when Dylan shot him in the hand and knee. After Eric and Dylan left, Eubanks, along with others who were still alive, escaped the library via the emergency exit. He would never return to school and developed a prescription drug dependency in the weeks and months after 4.20.99. He eventually switched to harder drugs and ended up killing himself via a heroin overdose on May 18th 2019. I feel for Eubanks, seeing his best friend killed really messed him up and it eventually killed him. 

Lost News Footage - There are a variety of news reports from the immediate aftermath of 4.20.99 that are considered lost. While we don't know about many of them, the one that I can think of specifically is the "Dylan eats a Donut" video that appeared on Good Morning America or ABC News sometime and has since been lost. I am sure that there is a whole bunch of video footage, probably some of Eric and Dylan but mostly of the events of 4.20.99. Hopefully more will come to light as digitization continues at major news networks. 

Lost Interviews - This goes hand in hand with the above entry. I am sure there are a variety of interviews with survivors and witnesses that are lost out there somewhere. Hopefully they are not truly lost in the sense of the data has been deleted and originals destroyed. I do not know of any specific interviews that are "Lost" but still known about so if anybody does please let me know.