March 25th 1998 Newspaper - On March 25th 1998 a local newspaper in Littleton called the Columbine Community Courier published a short blurb in the police blotter section that may have been related to Eric. It can be seen HERE. I am looking for a higher quality copy of it but haven't had any luck. It supposedly references the reports that the Brown family made to police about the content that was on Eric's website. The commentary type onto the side of the image says as much. Of course the article does not mention Eric at all so it is impossible to determine for sure who or what it is about. This was well before the attack on CHS and some people see it as a failure of the police to properly respond and prevent what happened on 4.20.99. I am not sure I really see it that way. Assuming the article is about Eric, the police would have to determine if what was typed online actually violated the law, and then they would have to prove beyond a doubt that Eric was the one who created it. Even if they could do that he was still a minor and their options would have been limited. 

Harris and Klebold superglued school's door locks - This is in reference to an incident that occurred less than a week before 4.20.99. When a janitor arrived early in the morning for work at CHS, he found the exterior doors had been glued closed. He saw something on the roof and went up to discover the word SENIOR had been written in duct tape across a skylight. They reviewed the security footage and saw two boys, dressed in black, with masks on. They were never identified. Some have speculated that these two were Eric and Dylan but I highly doubt it. So close to their planned attack on 4.20.99 seems like a silly time to execute a senior prank. Plus I do not feel like Eric had any particular love of affiliation with the senior class of which he was a member. I have never actually seen anything about this, beyond it being mentioned by a few people in the 11k as possibly being related to the attack in some way. I suppose it is possible it was some sort of dry run of intelligence mission by Eric and Dylan that they tried to disguise as a senior prank. 

Taylor, et al. v Solvay Pharmaceuticals INC.  - As a part of the October 21st 2001 personal injury-product liability lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company that produced Luvox, the drug that Eric was on. The majority of the records have been sealed until 2027, including the depositions of Eric's family members. Other dispositions include victims families as well as the Klebolds. The case was brought by Mark Taylor who was shot by Eric multiple times on 4.20.99. The case ended up being dismissed in February of 2003 and Taylor was given 10k by Solvay and he donated it to a cancer research center. The whole case is very odd with Taylor switching attorneys three times and gag orders on almost all participants. So much interesting information might be in those case files and I can't wait till we get access to them. 

Katherine Harris 6/28/2002 - This is related to the above post. In the lawsuit Taylor, et al. v Solvay Pharmaceuticals INC., there were multiple depositions taken from both of Eric and Dylan's parents (among others). They originally were slated to be destroyed but there was an issue with the records act at they ended up being saved but sealed. It is interesting to note that the Klebolds fought very hard to have them destroyed while the Harrises did not seem to care. Wayyy back in 2013 there was a thread on a conspiracy site about Taylor and it included a single page pdf that claimed to be part of the deposition of Katherine Harris. It can be viewed HERE. There is no way to verify the authenticity of the document but it does appear to be genuine on the face of it. The format is correct and the questions being asked make sense. I am inclined to believe that it is real. However, the person who posted it went on to claim that there is a whole bunch of other bombshell information about Eric in the court files including evidence that he was emotionally abused and possibly even raped as a child. Not sure about any of that... but I suppose it is possible. I feel like Eric would have mentioned it. 

The untold story of Columbine Football lost movie - This is a documentary from 2020 that chronicled the Columbine High School football team. I cannot find the entire movie, presumably why it is called "lost" but there is a trailer for it which can be seen HERE. It appears to have been sort of a defense of the football program and jocks in general at Columbine. I guess it was received pretty poorly and was never released. All the weak people are still hating on the jocks so many years later... it just seems so stupid. 

Army Surplus CCTV Footage - This is lost footage of Eric and Dylan shopping and purchasing items at the military surplus store in Littleton. They both got some of the things that they used on 4.20.99 there including Eric's ammo pouches seen HERE. The footage was lost right around the time of the attack because the security system tapes over itself after a certain period of time. I have heard rumors that it actually was not taped over and the store purposefully destroyed it for some reason. If anyone is interested the store is still open and sells the same stuff they did back then. Here is a picture of it

FOIA request denials and coverups - There have been many many FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests relating to the events at Columbine. Almost all of them come back saying that there are no files or they were all destroyed. This is especially odd for the FBI who is required to maintain all case documents. The general thought is, that the government/police/FBI are covering up something by not releasing any of the flies people are requesting. They are at least attempting to hide something. I have made multiple FOIA requests myself to different agencies, usually for simple innocuous stuff, and always get rebuffed whenever they realize it involves Columbine. I am not sure if it is a grand conspiracy or if there is some other nefarious purpose. 

"Originals all remain in the lab under lock and key" - This is in reference to a reported leaked email from a Jefferson County sheriff's employee speaking about all of the Columbine evidence still being kept "under lock and key". The leak is from 2012 which is important because Jeff Co says they destroyed everything in 2011. The suspicion is that they destroyed all duplicates or copies and kept all of the originals. The evidence includes the firearms themselves. I have never actually seen the purported leaked email so I cannot say for sure if it is true. I believe they still have much of the evidence. I believe they lied about destroying most of it. 

Eric tortured and killed mice - Chris Morris, a former friend of Eric, stated to police and news media that Eric poured napalm onto a mouse and lit it on fire. He also said that they would shoot mice with BB guns. Bill Ockham commented on this and confirmed that multiple other people confirmed it. This may seem odd given how pro-animal Eric was. However, I think that this occurred in back of his work, BlackJack Pizza and I am assuming the "mice" were actually "rats" that lived off the grease and dumpster food and were probably pests. I would assume that they did not have napalm and probably just sprayed a dead rat with something flammable. 

Columbine Hammer Attack - In February of 2012 a freshman girl at Columbine High School used a hammer to physically attack another girl in the hallway. The victim and a boy who stepped in to stop the attack had minor injuries. Nothing about the people or the motive was ever released. I am sure it was just some depressive teenage girl bullshit, but I also heard a rumor that it was somehow like the energy of Eric that increases the anger of people nearby or something lol.  

Randy Brown's parking lot tape - This is in reference to security tape footage of Eric and Dylan from the CHS parking lot on 4.20.99. Supposedly there were cameras that faced the schools parking lots that only ran after 8pm until morning. I have never been able to ascertain what time "morning" means here. Some people have said they captured Eric and Dylan arriving to school multiple times and also the beginning of the attack outside. I have never actually seen the video or any evidence that it exists. I have no idea what Randy Brown has to do with it. 

The Trench Coat Diaries - I believe this is in reference to a somewhat rare VHS tape which supposedly had many unseen videos of both Eric and Dylan. Unfortunately the only thing I can find is THIS which contains nothing new and isn't very exciting. Someone got a hold of one a while back and it was just poor quality news coverage of 4.20.99 and nothing new.